Lake-Lehman School District

Lake Lehman School District

Lake-Lehman Feasibility Study Commission

The purpose of the district feasibility study is to develop a comprehensive plan to address the physical and programmatic needs of buildings and grounds in the Lake-Lehman School District. The Feasibility Study Commission will serve in evaluating the extent of work required to properly maintain existing school buildings, examine the costs of upgrading facilities, analyze new construction and renovation options, recommend improvements while meeting the educational goals of the district, all within the concept of the Lake-Lehman Mission: “To inspire students to achieve personal fulfillment through the context of community, independence, generosity and mastery within a safe learning environment."

Future Meeting Dates

  • We will be suspending any meetings for the Lake-Lehman's feasibility study commission until further notice.

If you wish to participate in any or all of the above listed group meetings, please contact the superintendent’s office at (570) 255-2705 or send an email at least one day prior to the scheduled meeting date to allow for adequate seating.